Sunday, December 9, 2012

Been Awhile. How have you been?

OK, I know its been a very long time since I did a posting. We had hoped to have our doors wide open by now and be able to share our passion with all of you. But as most of you know sometimes life can give a you kick where you don't want it, or to be a little more subtle you can be dealt a bad card. The best thing to do when this happens is to take a moment collect your breathe and thoughts and start again. Now that I have that out of the way, lets move on.

In the last post I talked about my hunt for Pinot Noir clone 828. Well the search has been over for awhile now. In June 2011, we planted 800 Pinot clone 828, on Riperia rootstock. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the 2013 growing season, and the harvest of all 4 clones. Pay attention for your invite to come and help us harvest! Can you say Harvest Party.

Talking about parties. We are planning a little Planting Party for the spring. June 8th we are looking for those people who want to get down and dirty with us. A little gardening, a little fun and a little getting to know your neighbors. RSVP to

This will give you an opportunity to see what we have been working on and what we have planned. Currently we are in discussions with a couple of contractors to build our winery. As always dealing with contractors is fun and stimulating. We hope to break ground in the New Year and we will be able to give you a tour and talk to you more about our plans in June.

Stay tuned for more posts, now that I am motivated I think I can keep this up on a much more regular basis. Shouldn't be hard since the last one was a year and a half ago.

Time for a glass.

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